Polio Vaccination Made Mandatory For Intending Pilgrims

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th May, 2018 ) :Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony has made polio vaccination, seasonal flu and vaccination against meningitis as mandatory for intending pilgrims of Government Hajj Scheme before departure to Saudi Arabia.

According to official sources, the ministry has asked intending pilgrims to ensure vaccination to intending pilgrims before departure to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). He said the ministry has made arrangements to vaccinate government shceme pilgrims at their respective haji camps before their daparture for Hajj.

Lunatics, mentally unstable and chronically ill persons will not be allowed to proceed to hajj.

Source: https://www.urdupoint.com/en/health/polio-vaccination-made-mandatory-for-intendin-339021.html