Pakistan mulling over sending intending pilgrims aged 20 to 50
Friday, June 12, 2020

ISLAMABAD: A consultative meeting on Haj arrangement headed by the Minister for Religious Affairs Noorul Haq Qadri on Thursday discussed possibility of selection of intending pilgrims aged between 20 to 50 years for performance of the religious duty this year.
The meeting was attended by the Federal Secretary Religious Affairs Sardar Ejaz Ahmad Khan while Director General Haj Abrar Mirza, Director Haj Makkah Sajid Manzoor Asadi and Director Haj Madina Al Munawwara Tariq Rehmani participated in consultation through video linking.
The meeting was informed that the government of Saudi Arabia was expected to take a final decision with regard to limiting number of pilgrims or suspending Haj by June 15.
The meeting discussed in detail Haj arrangement observing that the special preventive measures and arrangements would have to be taken in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in view of COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting also discussed expenditures on Haj arrangements in view of reduction in number of intending pilgrims shortening stay of pilgrims in Makkah and Madina.
Federal Secretary Sardar Ejaz Ahmad Khan said the Ministry was in contact with Saudi Arabia and other governments of the other Muslim countries and was ready to make best arrangements and meet any emergency situation.