Indonesian Umrah Pilgrims Arrive in Saudi Arabia
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- Indonesian Umrah Pilgrims Arrive in Saudi Arabia
Monday, November 2, 2020
Jakarta - Indonesia has relaunched its pilgrimage program again on Sunday after Saudi Arabia slackened its restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Pilgrims are subjected to strict health protocols.
“The inaugural umrah pilgrimage [of Indonesians] on November 1 arrived at 18:45 Western Indonesia Times (WIB) with 224 pilgrims from 15 [travel agents],” said Endang Jumali, the hajj consul of the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Jeddah on Monday, November 2.
According to Endang, the strict health protocols imposed by the Saudi government began as the pilgrims arrived. Two of the many health protocols include the age limit of only receiving those aged from 18-to-50 years and the umrah procession that is limited to only 10 days.
“They must have reports on PCR tests 72 hours before departing and must undergo a 3-day quarantine as they arrive. The rooms they stay in are limited to 2 people with a 2-meter physical divide,” said Endang.
According to the Indonesian representative, pilgrims are barred from going out of their hotels and must wear a face mask at all times. Groups are also limited to 50 people each. This comes after restricted the entry of foreign nationals into the country in its battle against the COVID-19 pandemic for eight months.