Hajj 2021; Indonesia Sets 3 Scenarios

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jakarta - Religious Affairs Ministry is preparing three scenarios for the 2021 Hajj pilgrimage, which will be similar to this year's hajj plan.

The ministry's secretary-general Nizar said, for the first scenario, the pilgrims will be sent in full quota under a condition.

"It will be executed if COVID-19 is over, or once the Covid-19 vaccine is found," he said in a written statement on Saturday, Nov. 28.

Next is the limitation in hajj pilgrims quota from 30 to 50 percent that will be set based on the health protocol. The final plan is that the hajj pilgrimage will be canceled again if Saudi Government closes the access.

Nizar iterated that the 2020 Hajj period was canceled as the Indonesian Government considered the safety and security of the pilgrims during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1409683/hajj-2021-indonesia-sets-3-scenarios