Children not allowed in Saudi Arabia’s Prophet’s Mosque during Ramadan
Friday, April 2, 2021

Children under the age of 15 will not be allowed to enter the Prophet’s Mosque and its courtyards during Ramadan as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), according to the mosque’s general presidency.
The Ramadan plan by the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque also included shortening Tarawih prayer time to half, closing the mosque 30 minutes after Tarawih prayer, and suspending itikaf (staying in a mosque for a certain number of days, devoting oneself to worship) for the second year in a row.
Moreover, those who wish to break their fast at the Prophet’s Mosque will be offered water and dates for personal consumption only. No sharing, distribution, or gatherings will be allowed.
Arranging and distributing sahoor meals at the mosque’s courtyards are also not allowed.
Worshippers are required to use the national parking app “Mawqif” to facilitate their exit from the mosque.