Last Haj flight to land Monday
Sunday, August 4, 2019

By Abdulaziz Ghazzawi
Okaz/Saudi Gazette
JEDDAH — The last Haj flight is scheduled to land at King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA) in Jeddah Monday, according to the General Authority for Civil Aviation (GACA).
It said the departure flights will start on Dhul Hijja 13 (Aug. 14) while the GCC pilgrims will depart on the next day and the other Haj flights will start on Dhul Hijja 15 (Aug. 16) and continue until the end of the pilgrimage on Muharram 15 (Sept. 15).
GACA said KAIA and Prince Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz International Airport in Madinah have received a total of 6,000 Haj flights.
The authority threatened airway companies transporting pilgrims back home with heavy fines if they delay their flights for no acceptable reasons.
Meanwhile, the Haj Terminal at the KAIA will change its 14 lounges into departure units with 208 Passports (Jawazat) counters to complete departure formalities.
The terminal will also have ground services to handle luggage of pilgrims.